Are Numbers in Domain Names a Good Idea? (The Pros and Cons)

When creating a website, your domain name plays a crucial role in making it easily recognizable and memorable for your audience. One way to make your domain name stand out is by incorporating numbers.

But should we really use the number in the domain name and what impact it could have?

Using the number in your domain name can make it stand out, easier to remember, and make it more memorable. But, be careful with placement as it can also make it harder to spell, and keep in mind legal considerations. Use numbers sparingly and only if they make sense for your brand.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the topic of using numbers in domain names, including the rules for registering a domain name with numbers, the pros and cons of using numbers in a domain name, the history of domain names with numbers, best practices (Tips) for using numbers in a domain name, and how using numbers in a domain name might affect your search engine optimization (SEO).

Can You Use Numbers in Domain Name?

The short answer is yes, you can use numbers in a domain name. In fact, numbers have been used in domain names since the very beginning of the internet. Some of the first domain names registered, such as and, included numbers.

Today, you can register a domain name with any combination of letters and numbers, as long as it’s not already taken. That being said, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a domain name with numbers.

First, it’s generally easier for people to remember domain names that are spelled out in words rather than using numbers.

For example, “” is likely to be easier to remember than “” Additionally, using numbers in a domain name can make it harder to spell, which can make it more difficult for people to find your website.

Despite these drawbacks, there are still plenty of good reasons to consider using numbers in your domain name. For one, using numbers can help make your domain name more unique, especially if you’re in a crowded market or if the domain names you want with just letters are already taken.

Using numbers can make your domain name easier to remember, especially if you use numbers that are easy to spell (such as “4” instead of “four”).

Pros and Cons of Using Numbers in a Domain Name

There are both pros and cons to using numbers in a domain name.

On the plus side, using numbers can make your domain name more unique and easier to remember. It can also help you stand out in a crowded market or if the domain names you want with just letters are already taken.On the downside, using numbers in a domain name can make it harder to spell, which can make it more difficult for people to find your website. Additionally, using numbers in a domain name can make it seem less professional or less polished, especially if you use too many numbers or if the numbers you use are hard to spell.

Ultimately, whether or not you should use numbers in your domain name will depend on your specific goals and needs.

If you’re in a crowded market or if the domain names you want with just letters are already taken, using numbers can be a good way to make your domain name more unique and easier to remember. Just be sure to use numbers sparingly and only if they make sense for your brand.

History of Domain Names With Numbers

As mentioned earlier, numbers have been used in domain names since the very beginning of the internet. Some of the first domain names registered, such as and, included numbers.

Over time, the use of numbers in domain names has evolved. In the early days of the internet, domain names were typically used by companies and organizations to establish their online presence. These early domain names often included numbers as a way to make them more unique and memorable.

As the internet has grown and evolved, the use of numbers in domain names has become more widespread. Today, you can find domain names with numbers in almost every industry and country.

Tips for Choosing a Domain Name That Includes Number

If you’re considering using numbers in your domain name, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Use numbers sparingly: Too many numbers in a domain name can make it hard to remember and hard to spell. Consider using just one or two numbers at most.
  • Use easy-to-spell numbers: It’s generally easier for people to remember and spell numbers that are written out in words (such as “four” instead of “4”).
  • Consider how the domain name will look visually: Think about how the domain name will look when written out, as well as how it will look when it’s typed into a web browser.
  • Consider how the domain name will be pronounced: Think about how the domain name will sound when it’s pronounced out loud. This is especially important if you’re targeting a global audience.
  • Avoid using numbers that might be confused with letters: For example, using a “3” in place of an “e” (as in “”) might be confusing for some users.
  • Check the availability of the domain name: Before you choose a domain name that includes numbers, be sure to check if it’s available to register. You can do this using a domain name registrar or a website that allows you to check domain name availability.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to choosing a domain name that includes numbers that work for your website or business.

The Effect of Using Numbers in a Domain Name on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

One of the main considerations when choosing a domain name is how it might affect your search engine optimization (SEO). The use of numbers in a domain name might have some impact on your search engine optimization (SEO).

Domain names with keywords in them tend to perform better in search engine rankings than domain names without keywords. However, this isn’t always the case, and the overall quality of your website will also play a role in your search rankings.

That being said, using numbers in your domain name might have some impact on your SEO. In general, domain names with numbers tend to be less common than domain names without numbers, which means they might be less competitive in search results.

However, this isn’t always the case, and it’s important to remember that:

There are many other factors that can impact your search rankings

Some Tips for Optimizing a Domain Name With Numbers for SEO Include:

  • Use numbers wisely: As mentioned above, it’s generally easier for people to remember domain names that are spelled out in words rather than using numbers. Using numbers sparingly and only if they make sense for your brand can help with readability and memorability.
  • Use numbers that are easy to spell: As mentioned above, it’s generally easier for people to remember and spell numbers that are written out in words (such as “four” instead of “4”). This can also make it easier for search engines to understand and index your website.
  • Use numbers to add context or meaning to your domain name: If you do decide to use numbers in your domain name, consider using them to add context or meaning to your domain name. For example, “” might be more memorable and meaningful than just “”
  • Don’t rely solely on your domain name for SEO: While your domain name is an important factor in your SEO, it’s just one of many factors that can impact your search rankings. Be sure to focus on creating high-quality, relevant content for your website, and use other SEO best practices to help improve your search rankings.

Websites With Successful Domain Names That Include Numbers

There are many successful websites that have domain names that include numbers. Some examples of well-known websites with domain names that include numbers include:

  • A UK-based web hosting and domain registration company. The name “123-Reg” includes the number “123.”
  • A popular online forum where users can discuss a wide range of topics. The name “4Chan” includes the number “4.”
  • The website for the international convenience store chain. The name “7Eleven” includes the numbers “7” and “11.”
  • A popular website for sharing memes and other internet content. The name “9GAG” includes the number “9.”

These websites demonstrate how using numbers in your domain name can be a great way to make it more unique and memorable. Of course, the overall quality of your website is also important for success.

Using numbers in your domain name can be a great way to make it stand out from the competition. Just be sure to use them sparingly and only if they make sense for your brand. That way, you can make sure your domain name is both memorable and SEO-friendly.

The Rules and Guidelines for Using Numbers in Domain Names

There are a few rules and guidelines to keep in mind when using numbers in a domain name:

  1. Numbers can be used in combination with letters: You can use any combination of letters and numbers in a domain name, as long as it’s not already taken.
  2. Special characters are generally not allowed: Most domain name registrars do not allow the use of special characters (such as ! @, #, $, etc.) in domain names.
  3. Hyphens can be used to separate words or numbers: If you want to use a number in your domain name but are concerned about readability or memorability, you can use a hyphen to separate the number from the rest of the domain name. For example, “” or “”
  4. Domain names are generally limited to 63 characters: Most domain name registrars have a maximum length of 63 characters for a domain name (including the .com, .net, etc.).
  5. Some countries have additional restrictions: Some countries have additional rules and guidelines for registering domain names, such as restrictions on the use of certain numbers or symbols. It’s a good idea to check with the appropriate authorities in your country to make sure you’re following all the rules and guidelines for registering a domain name.

It’s generally pretty straightforward to use numbers in a domain name as long as you follow the basic rules and guidelines outlined above. Just be sure to choose a domain name that’s easy to remember and spell, and that makes sense for your brand.

Wrapping It Up

Using numbers in your domain name can be a good way to make your domain name more unique and easier to remember.

It’s important to consider the pros and cons of using numbers, as well as the rules and guidelines for registering a domain name with numbers.

You’ll want to consider the best practices for using numbers in a domain name, as well as how using numbers might affect your SEO.

By keeping these factors in mind, you’ll be well on your way to choosing a domain name that works for your website or business.


1. How many numbers can I include in my domain name?

Answer: You can include any number of digits in your domain name, but it’s generally recommended to use no more than two or three digits. Longer numeric domain names can be harder to remember and may look less professional.

2. Are there any restrictions on using numbers in domain names?

Answer: There are no specific restrictions on using numbers in domain names, but it’s important to follow the rules and guidelines set by the domain registrar and ICANN. Additionally, some numbers may be considered offensive or inappropriate, so it’s important to choose your numeric domain name carefully.

3. Can using numbers in my domain name help with SEO?

Answer: Including numbers in your domain name can potentially help with SEO by making your domain name more unique and memorable. However, it’s important to also consider other factors such as keyword relevance, backlinks, and content quality.

4. Can numeric domain names be trademarked?

Answer: Numeric domain names can be trademarked if they meet the requirements for trademark registration. However, it’s important to conduct a thorough search to make sure that your numeric domain name doesn’t infringe on any existing trademarks.

5. How can I choose a memorable numeric domain name?

Answer: To choose a memorable numeric domain name, consider using a combination of digits that is easy to remember, relevant to your brand or business, and not too long or complex. You can also consider adding a hyphen or combining numbers with letters to make your domain name more unique.

6. Are numeric domain names more expensive than regular domain names?

Answer: The cost of a numeric domain name will depend on a variety of factors, such as the domain registrar, the popularity of the domain extension, and the availability of the domain name. In general, however, numeric domain names are not more expensive than regular domain names.

7. Can I use a numeric domain name for a non-English website?

Answer: Yes, you can use a numeric domain name for a non-English website. However, it’s important to choose a domain extension that is appropriate for the language and location of your website and to make sure that your numeric domain name is easy to remember and relevant to your audience.

8. What are some examples of successful numeric domain names?

Answer: Some examples of successful numeric domain names include,, and These domain names are memorable, easy to spell, and relevant to the brands or businesses they represent.

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