30 Do’s and Don’ts of Blogging (For Creating A Successful Blog)

Are you a new blogger who is looking to Do’s and Don’t of blogging?

After reading around more than 100s blogs I have learned what the top bloggers Do and Don’t do with their blogs which helps them to grow fast and sustain the top position in the Google search engine.

This blog post will help you to understand what you should follow as a new blogger to grow & build your blog fast during the initial phase of your blogging journey.

These Dos and Don’ts are my own opinion and in no way do I want to present them as Blogging Rules. These are just intended to give you better direction in blogging    

Let’s begin

So what are the top dos which you should always consider in each of your blog posts?

1. Write an irresistible headline

The headline is the first impression you will make to attract visitors to your site.

So, your headline should be clickable with catchy words and something which readers can’t stop themself to click on

2. Include lots of visuals

Your content should include visuals like images, graphs, pictures, diagrams, charts, online videos, screenshots, and memes which will help your content to get more likes and shares.

3. Conversational Tone

Write as if you are talking to someone. Your tone should be conversational and friendly.

For direct insights from the source, review Google’s Webmaster Guidelines to understand how to align your content with Google’s preferences.

4. Include Examples

Try to include as many as examples you can. This will help your readers to understand with more clarity what you are trying to present on your blog.

5. Format your blog post

A well-structured and formatted blog post usually gets a high readability score. Your readers should not run away after looking at your blog. So, you should keep enough spacing between the text, lines, and paragraphs in a good format.

6. Use short sentences

Short sentences help your readers to easily read and understand your post better instead of the textbook style of lengthy sentences like big paragraphs.

7. Use sub-headings

Most of the readers only read the bullet points to skim through the blogs quickly. Using subheadings divides your blog into small chunks that are easy to skim through and read fast.

8. Stick to the point

If you want your readers to stay on your blog then give them the exact to-the-point content for which they have come to your blog

9. Understand the search intent

This is one of the most important factors in blogging. If the user is searching for how to take the best selfie and your blog post talks about how to purchase the best mobile phone for a selfie then Google will not show your page in the top 10 results.

For a comprehensive understanding of SEO best practices, consider exploring the Moz Blog, a leading authority in the SEO community.

10. Focus on solutions you can provide

Solving the problem by providing the best solution which no one is talking about will enhance your reader’s overall experience and give a good reason for your blog to grow fast.

11. Engaging content

Create such content which makes your readers take some kind of action like social shares, and downloads, and check your other popular post.

To dive deeper into content marketing strategies, check out HubSpot’s Guide on Content Marketing, which offers valuable insights and tips

12. You need to be consistent with your blogging schedule

This is for two reasons – your readers build trust with you as you keep coming up with different blog content that help them to solve their problem.

And Google also knows your blog scheduling which can help your articles rank fast by bringing them in front of the right audience.

13. Easy Navigational site

When a reader comes to your blog they should not be confused about the navigation or find any difficulty to search for any particular content on your site. So create easy navigation on your site.

14. Clean website with a decent design

Initially keep your blog simple and clean until you get decent success to invest in high-cost design.

15. Proofreading

Read your blog post twice a loud before you hit the publish button. Surely you will find lots of changes that will improve your articles each time before you publish

16. Research more about your target audience to understand their hopes, fears, dreams, pain & expectation

To better connect with your target audience’s desires you should understand what are their hopes, fears, dreams, pain points, and expectations so that you can come up with the best solution that triggers their emotion & feelings in your article

17. Find your unique angle 

Write something different from all of your competitors. This is possible only if you know your competitors and the market inside out. This will help you present yourself with a new and better approach.

18. Be ready with your hit list of articles you are going to write about

This is a simple yet effective way many top bloggers follow. This will save you huge time if you have already discovered the most in-demand topics in your niche and it will help you to create even more popular posts at a quick pace.

19. Use of correct font size

If you go to the top blogging sites you might have observed how comfortable it is to read their blogs. They pay special attention to their font size. I have seen most of them generally use a font size between 15px to 18px

20. Social proofs

Do include some social proof in your blog. Testimonials if you can have, your experience about what you are blogging about, and what others are saying about your work.

21. Evergreen content

Do create lots of evergreen content that will allow your blog to get in front of your right audience for years to come “How to” articles are the most popular evergreen content

22. Delight your readers by over-delivering

Do make a habit of giving extra tips, and bonus tips to your readers which will make them feel exceptionally delighted 

23. Giving great value to your audience should be the top priority

Blogging is all about giving value to your audience which will help you to build trust and long-term success.

24. Leverage AI and Automation Tools

Utilize AI tools for content generation, SEO optimization, and social media management. This can enhance productivity and content quality.

For the latest in social media marketing strategies, a visit to Social Media Examiner can provide you with current trends and effective techniques

25. Focus on Voice Search Optimization

With the rise of voice assistants, optimize your content for voice search queries, which tend to be more conversational and longer.

26. Implement Interactive Content

Incorporate interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and interactive infographics to increase user engagement and time spent on your site.

27. Prioritize User Experience (UX)

Ensure your website design is intuitive, accessible, and provides a seamless user experience, including fast loading times and mobile responsiveness.

28. Use Video Content

Integrate video content into your blog posts. Videos can increase engagement and are favored by many search algorithms.

29. Embrace E-A-T Principles

Focus on Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness in your content to align with Google’s emphasis on quality and credibility.

30. Diversify Content Formats

Offer a variety of content formats like podcasts, webinars, and downloadable resources to cater to different audience preferences.

Now it’s time to see what are the Don’ts of blogging

1. Don’t copy content from other blogs

This is the first and most important don’t which can have a huge impact on your blog.

You can check the post format, and trends of the latest blogs, but you can’t copy other blogs’ content. Meaning you can have an idea of what is trending from other blogs but you can’t copy the content without their agreement or consent. Google has its own ways of checking plagiarism.

2. Irrelevant topics

Don’t create irrelevant topics that are not related to your blog niche.

3. Spammy ways of blogging.

Don’t use spammy ways to do blogging like commenting on others’ blogs to get links

4. Visit for Visit

Don’t visit other blogs for them to visit your blog. I have seen in some Facebook groups people ask to visit their site and in return, they will visit your site. This is a huge mistake.

5. Purchasing backlinks

Don’t follow inappropriate ways of guest blogging in exchange for money. Creating high-quality content itself will give you good backlinks.

6. Don’t Blog exclusively for earning money

Don’t build a blog only for money by focusing on creating affiliate websites. Focus on solving your readers’ problems. The money will follow you.

7. Don’t just write only what you like

Don’t write just what you like, your hobby, or what you love doing, because, in the online world, no one is interested in what you like, instead focus on what your readers like, need, and want so that you can solve their problems

8. Don’t be afraid to express yourself

Don’t feel shy or afraid to share your own thoughts which may stop you from blogging

9. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake

Don’t try to be a perfectionist, don’t be afraid to make mistakes & just start off. I personally have wasted a lot of time just trying to be perfect in everything before starting a blog

10. Too much distraction

Don’t keep your site filled with ads and posters. Instead, fill it with great content.

11. Bookish language

Don’t be too bookish in your blog post and try to keep your language simple and easy to read for your audience.

12. You don’t need to be an English Expert

English is not my first language. I feel I should be grammatically correct and should be able to convey my message to my readers. That’s it.

13. Writing to attract readers

Don’t just try to attract readers instead try to help them by finding their big problems and the right solutions.

14. Irregular with your blog schedules

Don’t be inconsistent with your blogging schedule. This can impact your ranking on Google.

15. Don’t give up too early

Blogging is not a get-rich-quick path. You can say it is a slow process for getting success.

16. Covering too many things in one topic.

Don’t try to cover too many points in one post. Focus on your main topic.

17. Writing for everyone (Keep your target audience in mind)

Don’t write for everyone. You just need to focus on the right audience (your niche market).

18. Poor design

Don’t mess up your blog too much for designing, you will end up with a poor design. Keep it clean & simple.

19. Don’t worry too much about what readers will think. Don’t feel like “But I am not the expert

This will stop you from taking action and achieving your goal. Keep writing.

20. Don’t get distracted by shiny objects

Focus on only one thing and don’t get distracted until you become good at that one thing. 

21. Don’t skip the conclusion part of your blog post.

This is an important part of blogging. Don’t skip the conclusion partly on your blog.

22. Don’t forget the quality of your content

The quality of your overall content should be top-notch. This will improve gradually with each blog post if you continue to take the right action.

23. Don’t stop learning and improve your blogging skills

When you publish a few 100 articles you may feel like an expert. But the top bloggers never stop learning new skills and keep enhancing their blogging knowledge to sustain the top position in their industry.

24. Don’t Ignore Data Privacy Regulations

Be mindful of data privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA. Ensure your blog complies with these regulations, especially when collecting user data.

25. Avoid Overuse of Pop-Ups

While pop-ups can be effective for conversions, excessive use can annoy visitors and potentially harm your SEO.

26. Don’t Neglect Local SEO

If your blog targets a local audience, ensure you optimize for local SEO, including local keywords and listings.

27. Avoid Thin Content

Google’s algorithms continue to favor in-depth, valuable content. Avoid publishing short, superficial posts that don’t provide substantial value.

28. Don’t Overlook Accessibility

Ensure your blog is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This includes using alt text for images and ensuring screen reader compatibility.

29. Avoid Relying Solely on Organic Traffic

Diversify your traffic sources. Utilize social media, email marketing, and other channels to drive traffic to your blog.

30. Don’t Disregard Community Building

Engage with your readers through comments, social media, and forums. Building a community can lead to higher engagement and loyalty.

Wrapping Up Our Blogging Journey Together

And there we have it – my comprehensive guide to the essential dos and don’ts of blogging. But remember, the world of blogging is ever-evolving, and the learning never stops.

Now, I’m Turning the Mic to You!

  • What are your thoughts on these blogging strategies?
  • Do you have any personal tips or insights that have transformed your blogging experience?
  • Perhaps you’ve discovered a unique do or don’t that’s been a game-changer for you?

Let’s Keep the Conversation Going

Drop your thoughts, experiences, and wisdom in the comments below. Your insights not only enrich our community but also inspire and guide fellow bloggers on their journey. I’m excited to read your contributions and engage in this ongoing dialogue about the art and science of blogging.

Together, let’s continue to shape the vibrant and ever-changing world of blogging!


1. Is it necessary to focus on a specific niche in blogging?

Answer: Yes, focusing on a specific niche helps establish expertise and attract a targeted audience.

2. Should I prioritize quantity or quality of blog posts?

Answer: Quality should always be prioritized over quantity for lasting engagement and credibility.

3. Can using too many keywords harm my blog’s SEO?

Answer: Yes, keyword stuffing can negatively impact SEO and user experience.

4. Is it important to engage with comments on my blog posts?

Answer: Absolutely, engaging with comments builds community and increases reader loyalty.

5. Should I regularly update old blog posts?

Answer: Yes, updating old posts keeps content relevant and can improve SEO.

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